Isgrò - Palazzo Reale, Gallerie d'Italia e Casa del Manzoni

From June 29th to September 25th 2016 Milan honors Emilio Isgrò with a big anthological exhibition, curated by Marco Bazzini. 

Emilio Isgrò, a quite unique figure within the panorama of national and international contemporary art ,has founded a new language very original and transparent with his famous erasures and interventions on texts of every language and every shape. 

Three different locations: Palazzo Reale where it will be exhibited a selection of histocal works, presenting more then 200 works among erased book, paintings and installations; Gallerie d'Italia with the preview of the famous portraits of Alessandro manzoni, painted by Hayez and erased in white; Casa del Manzoni, also exhibiting a new work:  promessi sposi cancellati per venticinque lettori e dieci appestati.

The project has been sponsored and produced by Milano municipality, Palazzo Reale, Intesa Sanpaolo, Centro Nazionale studi manzoniani, Electa editore and was born from an idea of the Emilio isgrò Archive.

Curated by Marco Bazzini 

Palazzo Reale
piazza Duomo, 12
Gallerie d'Italia
piazza Scala, 6
Casa del Manzoni
via Gerolamo Morone, 1
Durata della mostra: dal 29 giugno al 25 settembre 2016
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